- Publications in English: BMJ Open, BMJ Leader, BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Australian Journal of Primary Health, Human Resources for Health, Journal of Interprofessional Care, JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports and International Journal of Integrated Care.
- Publications in Portuguese/Spanish: “Interface-Comunicação, Saúde; “Educação, Trabalho, Educação e saúde”, “Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo and “Saúde Pública”.
- Costa, J. B., Mazzi, N. R. D., Peduzzi, M., Germani, A. C. C. G., Silva, J. A. M., Agreli, H. L. F., ... & Leonello, V. M. (2023). Characterization of interprofessional education experiences in health education at the University of São Paulo. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP, 57, e20230118.
- Patient-centered care in interprofessional collaborative practice- key elements, strategies, and ways forward (2020). Contribution to Technical report for the World Health Organization/PAHO.
- Agreli, HF, Silva J, Peduzzi M. (2017) Pathways for Interprofessional Education. On line module of Interprofessional Education for Latin American Countries. Financed by Pan American Organisation of Health (PAHO/WHO).
- Lehane, E, Agreli H, O’Connor, S, Savage, E., et al. (2018) National Competency Model for Clinical Effectiveness Education in Ireland. Department of Health of Ireland.
- Agreli, HF (2023). Implications of technological change for work and leadership in healthcare. Collaborating Across Borders Conference, Online
- Agreli et al. (2019). Development of a Competency Framework for Clinical Effectiveness Education: An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach. Conference of Workforce Education and Research. Dublin, Ireland.
- Agreli, HF, Peduzzi M, Bailey C. (2018). Contributions of team climate for teamwork and interprofessional collaboration: A mixed methods study. All together better care conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
- Agreli H.F., Peduzzi M, Paresque M, Dias D (2018). Study of Interprofessional work in health care services: methodological considerations. XVII Congresso Iberoamericano de Investigacion Cualitativa en Salud, Florianopolis, Brazil.
- Agreli, H.F., Murphy M, Savage E, Drennan J, Hegarty J, et al (2018). A corporate leadership and management perspective on the implementation of infection control guidelines on healthcare services. The 11th Healthcare Society International Conference. Liverpool, UK
- Agreli HF, Peduzzi M, Bailey C. (2018). Collaborative communities: engagement of service users towards prevention of Zika virus infection in Brazil'. Auckland, New Zealand.
- Agreli, HF, Peduzzi M, Bailey C. (2018). Development of a Framework of Interprofessional collaboration in Primary Care in a developing country. All together better care conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
- Agreli, HF, Peduzzi M, Bailey C. (2018). Contributions of team climate for teamwork and interprofessional collaboration: A mixed methods study'. All together better care conference. Auckland, New Zealand.
- Espinoza P, Peduzzi M, Agreli, H, Sutherland M (2018). Interprofessional Team member’s satisfaction: A mixed methods study in a Chilean Hospital. Global Health and Innovation Conference. Yale University, New Haven Connecticut- USA.
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Publication Topics
Publications divided by themes
Interprofessional Work
These empirical and theoretical papers published by the Human Resources for Health, Journal of Interprofessional Care and Revista de Saude Publica describe the study of team climate characteristics and their implications for health outcomes. The described methodological approcahes include: Adaptation and validation on teamwork scale, mixed methods and conceptual analysis.
Marina Peduzzi, Heloise Lima Fernandes Agreli, Jaqueline Alcantara Marcelino da Silva, Mitti Ayako Hara Koyama, Lislaine Aparecida Fracolli & Andreas Xyrichis (16 May 2024): Team climate and patients’ perception of primary healthcare attributes in Brazil: a cross-sectional study, Journal of Interprofessional Care,
Digital Health
These papers published by the Bristish Medical Journal Open/Leader describe the use of digital health and the implications of technological change for work and collaboration in healthcare.
These papers describe Cochrane evidence on how collective leadership can improve professional practice, healthcare outcomes and staff well-being. Leadership perspective on the implementation of evidence-based practice is also discussed.
Implementation of evidence-based Practice
These papers include a Systematic review and Ethnographic Study outlining the complex reality of translating evidence into health care practice.
Interprofessional Education
These papers describe studies using a qualitative, quantitative (quasi-experimental study) and multi-method approach to understand aspects of interprofessional education at undergraduate and residency level and in health work itself